Help With Quitting

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More reasons to quit

Learn more about why you should quit

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Support for your journey

Learn more about quit resources you can take advantage of on your quitting journey

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How to quit vaping

quitting is easier said that done

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Quitting FAQ's

Learn more about quitting and the NIXT program

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  • Step One: Black

    The Courageous Start - Your journey begins with strength. This first step is about taking control, setting the foundation for a healthier, nicotine-free future.
  • Step Two: Platinum

    Embrace progress - You're on your way! Feel the difference as you reduce your nicotine concentration intake and your body starts to thank you. Every puff less is a breath closer to freedom.
  • Step Three: Gold

    Nearly There - With determination and resilience, you're pushing through. This step is your leap towards a life unbounded by nicotine, feeling clearer and more energized.
  • Step Four: Diamond

    Congratulations! - You've reached a milestone in reclaiming your health and freedom. Embrace your nicotine-free life with pride and profound achievement.

Customize Your Journey

We understand that each individuals journey may be different.Once you've started the NIXT StepDown Program we offer the ability for you to purchase each step individually, allowing you to comfortably progress at your own pace!